MaxHealth continues to monitor Hurricane Idalia. Click here to view updates by clinic.

Brokers & Agents

Partnering with MaxHealth is easier than ever

Our broker, agent, and Medicare advisor partners are a core part of each patient’s team. At MaxHealth, our goal is to simplify the entire healthcare experience for both you and your clients. We work directly with your clients to answer any questions they have and ensure a seamless, easy experience, no matter their health situation.

Register your Medicare-eligible clients

Complete this form so our Patient Advocate team can help schedule your client’s appointment.

"*" indicates required fields

Patient's Date of Birth*
Patient Effective Date*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

New Patient Package

After completing the registration form, provide the patient with the New Patient Package and coordinate its completion.

Questions or need assistance enrolling your client?

Patient Advocate
(727) 316-6914

Interested in the broker program?

Kylie Glisson
Business Development Director


Provider Participation ID's

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